Sarah Bell

Sarah Bell

Medium Painting

M 0425 761 251
Instagram @sarah_bell_painter

Address Balnarring
Please contact artist for the address


My painting is framed by feelings of omnipotence in natural forces, atmospheric changes, and poetic landscapes.

The pictures mine subject matter in the landscape and imagery from my walks around the wetlands near my home and Westernport Bay. At times, specific wild places are referenced that have special meaning or personal histories. The movement or activity of native birds has recently captured my imagination and is beginning to appear in my pictures.

Working from observation, plein air and memory through drawings and oil studies, I build the surface in gradual layers, feeling into a ‘slow painting’ process using a limited palette. Tapping into the kinaesthetic and sensual act of painting, I seek to embody the landscape’s space and light as it unfolds in the painting.  I want to provoke the viewer to dream and imagine, or be transported via the senses, into gentle feeling states.


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